Fulfill one of the 5 pillars in Islam.
Your Alms ( Zakat )
Quick refresher.
5 Pillars of Islam
1) Profession of Faith ( Your Shahadah ).
2) Your Prayers ( Solat )
3) Alms ( Zakat )
4) Fasting
5) Pilgrimage - Hajj
In this workshop our aim is to share more about Alms ( Zakat ). In Singapore, no organization or body will force you to pay Zakat. Similar to your solat, fasting or pilgrimage, nobody can force you to do it.
However to be a Muslim, these are obligation that we have to fulfill as one day we will stand in front of Allah swt and will be question one by one on this matters in the hereafter.
For Zakat, there are 2 kinds of Zakat.
1) Zakat Fitrah - A small amount to be paid for yourself and the people / family you are responsible for during Ramadan. This is compulsory regardless if you are poor or wealthy.
2) Zakat on Wealth - When one's wealth reaches Nisab ( A certain level ) and able to maintain over a period of 12 months, 2.5% of what's accumulated is required to be given out. This is only compulsory when you reach this stage.
This workshop will cover generally on Zakat on Wealth for Individuals and Businesses. We hope to see you there.