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Islam strongly encourages the practice of waqf among Muslims themselves. In terms of terminology, wakaf means to retain a property that is not physically depleted and can be used and benefited from it by handing over its ownership to a user who should and exists.
The law of accepting waqf property from non-Muslims is permissible and valid. This includes waqf given to mosques even if the act is not intended to bring oneself closer (taqarrub) to Allah s.w.t.
Allah s.w.t. will not neglect the goodness of a believer, he will be rewarded in this world and also in the hereafter. The disbelievers in turn will receive the reward of the good they do because of Allah s.w.t. while in the world alone. As for the hereafter, there is no reward and reward of goodness for him.
A non-Muslim will be rewarded in the world according to the endowment or good deeds done. However, he will not get any good or reward in the hereafter.
In this issue, we see that it is permissible to receive waqf property from non-Muslims even in matters involving the mosque. This is because non-Muslims are also included in the group that has the right to give alms. Therefore, the acceptance of waqf property from non-Muslims is permissible.
Hopefully, with this explanation, it will be able to give understanding to all of us in living life in a better direction. Amin.