What's so special about Surah Al Mulk?
In a hadith, it was mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) recommended to read Surah Al Mulk every night before going to bed. By doing so, it is said that you would be protected from the torment in the grave.
This was narrated by Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood,
Whoever reads Tabaarak allaahi bi yadihi’l-mulk [i.e., Soorat al-Mulk] every night, Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave. At the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) we used to call it al-maani’ah (that which protects). In the Book of Allaah it is a
soorah which, whoever recites it every night has done very well.
Narrated by Al-Nasa’i, 6/179; classified as Hasan (meaning ‘good’ authenticity) by Al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb, 1475.
Just like many other Surahs, this surah is recommended to be read every night. Where else to start memorising this other than in this blessed month of Ramadan so that you are able to continue reciting it throughout the year.
As our program focuses on memorising just one verse a day, we would encourage you to step ahead one more verse daily and then repeat it several times.
Watch the first video today.