Assalammualaikum wr wb ,
"Ameen, Ameen, Ameen", Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said while stepping up to the Mimbar before he delivered the Khutbah. There were 3 steps for this particular Mimbar.
After the prayers, the companions asked the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, "Dear Muhammad, why did you say Ameen, Ameen, Ameen while going up the Mimbar?".
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w shared while he was going up the steps, the angel Gabriel a.s came to him and said the following.
At the first step:
" Wretched is the person who does not take care of his/her parents when they are old and this become the reason in which they would not be allowed to be granted to heaven. Say Ameen Ya Muhammad".
And Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said "Ameen".
At the second step:
" Wretched is the person who does not utilize Ramadan fully to receive Allah swt forgiveness and become the reason in which they would not be allowed to be granted to heaven. Say Ameen Ya Muhammad".
And Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said "Ameen".
And finally at the third step:
" Wretched is the person who hears the Prophet name but did not give him Selawat and this become the reason in which they would not be allowed to be granted to heaven. Say Ameen Ya Muhammad".
And Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said "Ameen".
This hadith reminds us to have good relationship with our parents and to take care of them as they age such as they have taken care of us while we were young.
In this blessed month we are reminded to do our best to repair the relationship with our parents, elders that may have been damaged because of quarrels, disagreements and perhaps past experiences that may make us not forgive them.
As for the second, how many Ramadan have passed us over the years? Have we done enough to gain Allah's swt forgiveness. Have we really fully use our time to read and memorize the Quran, do our night prayers, pay our Zakat and help others who are not as fortunate as you.
And for the third, how many of us have really reflected or learn about the sacrifices that our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w has done for us and why when his name is mentioned, we should say the Selawat in his name. Till this happen, we have yet to realize the love for our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. How much
do we know about our Prophet Muhammad saw and his life?
Above is a short extract and summary on this tazkirah by Ustaz Dr Firdaus Yahya. For the full content, watch this 1 hour video.
We are honored to have our Local and Veteran Asatizahs sharing with us essential lessons that can be derived from our experience in Ramadhan.
This session will be in Malay for Fast & Fidz ( Day 2 ).
Dalam sesi ini, kami bersama Ustaz Dr Firdaus Yahya untuk menyampaikan tazkirah bertajuk "Mengamalkan Quran dalam Kehidupan Harian".