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Forgot to pay Zakat Fitrah?
What if I forgot to pay zakat fitrah last year?
What is the law?
If a person forgot to pay zakat fitrah last year, must he pay double the followimg year? What is the intention to pay zakat that we forgot?
If a person forgot to pay zakat fitrah last year then he is obliged to pay it this year as qadha.
He is not guilty of forgetting it but it is illegal to deliberately delay paying it.
A person who deliberately does not pay zakat or deliberately delays it until the end of Eid then it is obligatory for him to pay as qadha immediately and he is sinful because there is no excuse.
And it is haram to delay zakat fitrah from Hari Raya without excuse, such as losing his property or there is no entitled asnaf.
And it is obligatory for him to do qadha immediately because his rebellion is to delay it
And an example of the intention to pay zakat qadha Ramadhan is:
"I intend to issue zakat fitrah which is obligatory on me as an obligatory qadha because of Allah Taala. ”
As a conclusion, people who did not pay zakat fitrah last year must pay it now as qadha.
And it is also obligatory to pay zakat fitrah for this year, so there will be two zakat fitrah for which it is obligatory to pay.
If he does not pay that reason for forgetfulness then he is not sinful.
If it is not a reason to forget but a reason of carelessness or intent then he is sinful.