[ INFAQ.SG ] 30 January 2022: Ramadan Edition: Carry Out Your Fidyah or Infaq towards our Ramadan Aid Project 2022!
Published: Sat, 01/29/22
27 JAMADILAKHIR 1443H / 30 January 2022
Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue
showing your support to our Infaq Campaigns!
For every cent means saving a precious life.
Latest Ramadan Campaign
In Singapore, we are fortunate enough to have food on the table. However, this may not be the same elsewhere for families in different countries. While we consume food in abundance here, there are families in different parts of the world who need help.
For this particular project, you will have the opportunity to sponsor poor families in different countries for their daily necessities.
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said:
"Whoever feeds a fasting person will have his sins forgiven and will be saved from the hell-fire."
The package above can feed a family of 4 for about 15 days. For this year, we are offering Project Ramadan Aid in 6 countries. See below for the packages for 3 countries. 3 more will be launched next week!
Total No. of Packages Sponsored: 0
Total No. Of Packages Distributed: 0