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For every cent means saving a precious life.
Indeed the alms of a Muslim prolongs life and prevents from dying in a ridiculous state and Allah s.w.t. also eliminates with alms the attitude of arrogance, arrogance and pride from the giving.
In addition to obligatory alms, namely zakat harta, zakat fitrah and so on, Muslims are generally encouraged to give alms as a sign of gratitude for all the blessings bestowed by Allah SWT.
1. Alms from the results of fraud
Basically almsgiving or giving valuables that we have to people regardless is a noble act and is highly recommended by religion. However, if giving something or a result in a way that is not lawful, fraudulent then Allah s.w.t. will not accept.
2. Leveraged Alms
Do not lose the reward of your charity by mentioning it and hurting the feelings of the recipient.
3. Alms due to Riya '
Riya 'can remove the reward of alms. People who spend their wealth because of Riya' to people is like taking the devil as his friend.
4. Alms from something bad
Spend in the way of Allah s.w.t. some of the results of good efforts. Do not choose the bad and spend from it.
Do not let our charity intentions be diverted and end up not getting a reward but a sin, naudzubillah. Give alms so that the left hand does not know what is given by the right hand because that is the symbol of honesty and sincerity only because of Allah s.w.t.