Giving alms with a sincere heart can make the charity that is done more blessed, more valuable and rewarded with other more impressive virtues. Much or little charity is done, if it is done because of Allah s.w.t. alone, alms that are done will bring various goodness as well as blessings.
Cultivating sincerity in the heart is not easy. Some people feel very sincere when giving charity or helping others. But on the other hand, there are other purposes of the alms he does. Some of us may even give alms because we want to be considered good and be considered generous. So, if this is the case, are we really sincere?
From Abu Hurairah r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w. once said, "Verily Allah s.w.t. does not see (judging) your body shape nor does he judge the beauty of your face, but Allah s.w.t. sees (judging) the sincerity of your heart." (HR. Muslim)
"The person who is happiest with my intercession on the Day of Resurrection is the one who says la ilaha illallah sincerely from his heart or himself." (Narrated by Bukhari from Abu Hurairah r.a.)
Alms a little but accompanied by a sincere heart, with no strings attached let alone the element of riya' in the heart, this is better than alms in large quantities but continues to be brought up and remembered all the time. Alms a little but never expects to be rewarded or praised in the world, this is actually more blessing when compared
to giving a lot but showing it off.
When giving alms, only Allah s.w.t. who knows. Without telling others that we have given alms, what we have done is certainly rewarded with goodness and blessings by Allah s.w.t.
From Abu Hurairah r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w. said, "There are seven groups of people who will be shaded by Allah s.w.t. on a day where there is no shade except His shade (and it is mentioned that one of them and the man who gives charity then hides his charity, until his left hand does not know what his hand spends). right” (Narrated by Bukhari
& Muslim).
Giving charity and then hiding it will be better in front of Allah s.w.t., someone who is giving charity and oneself. Doing this kindness with a truly sincere feeling is quite difficult, but congratulations our intentions are strong and good, there are no more difficulties. Not only applies to Muslims to give alms sincerely, but this also
applies to anyone with any faith.
For those who have the intention to give charity, may blessings always be with us together with all the confidence in the chest. Ameen.