Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating partners with You in any way, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know. Ameen.
Why seeking knowledge is so important as a Muslim has been emphasized in the Al-Quran. It should be noted that seeking knowledge is an obligation for Muslims. Education and teaching to humans in becoming human beings of superior competence and quality is one of the messages brought by the Al-Quran. The knowledge delivered by the Al-Quran is a knowledge that timeless, suitable for its audiences regardless of time.
In many of His words, Allah s.w.t. often hints firmly to humans to gain knowledge, to become educated human beings. Several verses in the Al-Quran commands humans to always be thinking humans. In fact, the first verse that Allah s.w.t. revealed through the Messenger of Allah was the command to read: IQRA!
Al-Quran also teaches about wisdom and calls on humans to use their reason to think correctly. Seek the truth and stay away from and abandon falsehood. This wisdom then opens the minds of illiterate people to be more active in seeking knowledge.
In fact, Allah s.w.t. has explicitly given the highest degree to His servants who seek knowledge. The high degree of people who study is far above those who do not have a passion for studying.
In the Qur'an surah al-Mujadilah verse 11, Allah SWT says:
ا ا الَّذِينَ ا ا لَ لَكُمْ ا الْمَجَالِسِ افْسَحُوا اللَّهُ لَكُمْ ا لَ انشُزُوا انشُزُوا اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ ا الَّذِينَ ا الْعِ اتٍ ل
Which means: "O you who believe, when it is said to you, 'give space in the assemblies,' then expand it. Surely Allah will give you relief. And when it is said, 'stand up, you stand up. (degrees) of those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge of several degrees. And (only) in Allah should the believers."
In addition to the command to seek knowledge, the Al-Quran itself is a source of knowledge. For example, the Al-Quran is the book of Allah s.w.t. in which there are miracles of great literacy and literature. One of the perfections of the miracles of the Al-Quran is the use of its concise words (ijaz) but contains such a broad meaning.
Thus, do not stop seeking knowledge. Do not stop reading and learning the Al-Quran. These are all the lights that brighten up our path in achieving Jannah.