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For every cent means saving a precious life.
Zakat is one of the five Pillars of Islam, thus explaining that every Muslim is obliged to pay Zakat. In terms of Syara', Zakat means issuing certain property at a certain rate according to certain conditions to be distributed to certain groups.
Zakat is not just Zakat Fitrah, each of our income such as salary, overtime allowance, bonus, gratuity, compensation, gift pension and any other source of income must be subject to Zakat. However, this obligatory matter is often underestimated even though it is not as difficult to fulfill.
"Why have you not pay Zakat?"
This is one of the reasons that is often being used if one has not pay Zakat.
1. Busy
Among the average answers to this question is because they are too busy to go and pay Zakat at the counter provided.
2. Forget
Ohh I forgot to pay, is there still time for me to pay it? This is also one of the reasons that we often hear. Probably we need to create some ringing bell throughout the country to remind them to remember to pay their Zakat.
3. A Hassle
Some also say that the process of paying Zakat is tedious because you have to go to certain counters. Or you need to find the right recipient.
4. Procrastinate
Probably because we think that paying Zakat is not important and has a relatively long time constraint that causes us to often delay to pay it.
Do not let these reasons cause us to miss out on the obligatory and reduce the reward of our worship.
So what are you waiting for? Let's pay the Zakat now!