First event of the Month!
After a short breaks from events and classes, we're back with a class on Adab!
Often, we looked past the importance of adab in seeking knowledge or even in our daily lives. It's not just about having the a good akhlak with the elderlies but there is so many aspect of adab that affects our daily lifestyle.
We also used to hear our ulama' saying things like "Knowledge that is not filled with Barakah, won't stick throughout in our lives" or "Learn Adab first before seeking knowledge" - but how does all this play a part in our lives?
What's so special of having a good Adab in our lives?
Seek the beautiful knowledge and ways to become a true Student of Life with Ustazah Nazeerah Shaik Alwie, every Monday for 6 weeks, 8pm to 9:30pm.