Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue
showing your support to our Infaq
For every cent means saving a precious life.
Owning a wealth is the desire of every human being, including a Muslim. Owning a wealth is a must in order to avoid begging and of course it order to make it easier to practice some of Allah's Shari'a. Islam never forbids its adherents to become rich as long as he can use that wealth in the way of Allah
In real fact, Prophet s.a.w. has mentioned the real definition of wealth in Islam. Once upon a time, Umar Ibn Khattab r.a. asked the Prophet s.a.w., "O Messenger of Allah, what wealth should we have?" He replied, "Let one of you have a grateful heart, a tongue that always makes remembrance and a faithful wife who will help you in the hereafter." (HR. Ibn Majah no. 1856).
hadith above contains the meaning of the actual 'wealth' that every Muslim must have, among others, first, to have a grateful heart. A heart that is always grateful for all the blessings that Allah s.w.t. is the real treasure for a Muslim in living the life of the world in order to be safe in the hereafter. With gratitude the blessings will increase, otherwise if you are not grateful then Allah will lower His punishment (Qs. Ibrahim: 7).
Second, the tongue that always dhikr to Allah s.w.t. This means, guarding the tongue is important. It is natural that the Prophet s.a.w. warned his people to be good at guarding the tongue from disgraceful words, "There was a man who asked the Messenger of Allah, "Who is the best Muslim?" He replied, "A person who is another Muslim is safe from interference with his tongue and hands.” (HR. Muslim no. 64).
having a pious wife. As mentioned in many hadiths, having a pious wife is a priceless treasure and adornment, even when compared to the world's adornments. Rasulullah s.a.w. said, "Shall I tell you about the best of a man's treasury, namely a virtuous wife who when he is seen will please him, when ordered will obey him, and when he goes this wife will take care of himself." (HR. Abu Dawud no. 1417).
These are the real treasure that every Muslim
should have. May Allah Ta'ala make it easy for us to have a heart that is always grateful, a mouth that is always wet with remembrance and a pious wife who always helps in the afterlife. Wallahua'lam.
On-Going Infaq Campaigns
Orphan Sponsorship and Waqaf Jackfruit for Cambodia Total Amount collected for Orphan Sponsorship: $260 Total No. Of Jackfruit Plantation: 48
No. of houses Completed: 31
No. of houses in Queue: 5
No. of houses under construction: 0
RELAUNCHING of Nur Project for rohingya
No. of Solar Panel Packages sponsored: 41
No. of Solar Panel Packages in Queue: 4
No. of Solar Panel Packages installing: 2
No. of Solar Panel Packages installed: 35
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) Full Solar Panel Package - $315 (One-time) ii) Full Solar Panel Package -
$315 (Yearly)
No. of Bicycles sponsored: 10
No. of Bicycles including stationeries sponsored: 53
No. of Bicycles distributed: 5
No. of Bicycles including stationeries distributed: 46
*All bicycles include lock & basket
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) A bicycle including lock & basket - $175
ii) A bicycle including lock, basket & stationeries - $190
We are currently raising funds for the 220th well. Need 3 more parts to complete a whole well.
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) 1 Whole Well (Max 5 names) - $630 ii) 1 Part of Well (1 of 5 parts - only 1 name) - $155