[ INFAQ.SG ] 11 November 2022: Difficulty in Giving
Published: Thu, 11/10/22
16 RABIULAKHIR 1444H / 11 Nov 2022
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For every cent means saving a precious
There are people who still refuse to give charity. What makes them continue to withhold their wealth from spending in the way of
1. The preservation of stinginess
The first and main reason when someone refuses to donate his wealth is because he already has a miserly or miserly nature that he maintains. This miserly nature makes him feel at a loss if he spends his wealth on other people who he considers to be of no benefit to himself.
"Be careful of miserly behavior,
because miserliness has led those before you astray. They legalize things that have been forbidden, shed blood and break ties of kinship because they are driven by their miserly nature." (Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad)
Therefore we can try to give him another view about charity. That charity will not reduce his wealth, it can even make his wealth multiply.
The Prophet sallallaahu
'alaihi wassalam said to Zubair bin al-Awwam: "O Zubair, know that the key to the servant's sustenance is on the Throne, which Allah Almighty sends to each servant just for his sustenance. So whoever gives more gifts to others, God will surely give more to him. And whoever reduces, Allah will reduce for him." (HR. ad-Daruquthni from Anas radiyallaahu 'anhu)
2. Shame if giving charity is only a little
There are also people who refuse to give alms because they are ashamed of being ridiculed if their alms are small. For people like this we need to tell them that the scoffers are very likely far from faith, so they don't need to be listened to.
3. Feel more profitable if the money you own is saved
There are also people who are lazy to give alms because they think saving is
much more profitable for them than giving alms. "What if after donating the money, I suddenly need that amount of money because there is a sick family or other bad things? Wouldn't it be safer if the money was saved."
People like this need to be made aware that it could be that his family is sick or other bad things happen because he does not support himself and his family with charity. Until God 'forces' money that should be the other person's
right by giving sickness, accident, etc. Isn't that the greatness of charity? Can reject dozens of disasters? Is there any savings in this world that can reject reinforcements like the guarantee of charity?
"Hurry up to give alms, because truly a disaster cannot pass through alms." (HR. Thabrani).
Friends, these are some of the reasons people refuse to give alms as well as solutions to
overcome them. Hopefully it will be useful, especially if we have family and close people who have a paradigm as expressed above.
[06-November-2022] We have completed our distribution of prayer apparels in Cambodia! To contribute, you may click on the button below!
No. of houses Completed: 31 No. of houses in Queue: 4 No. of houses under construction: 1
RELAUNCHING of Nur Project for rohingya
No. of Solar Panel Packages sponsored: 41
No. of Solar Panel Packages in Queue: 4
No. of Solar Panel Packages installing: 2
No. of Solar Panel Packages installed: 35
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) Full Solar Panel Package - $315 (One-time) ii) Full Solar Panel Package -
$315 (Yearly)
No. of Bicycles sponsored: 10
No. of Bicycles including stationeries sponsored: 53
No. of Bicycles distributed: 5
No. of Bicycles including stationeries distributed: 46
*All bicycles include lock & basket
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) A bicycle including lock & basket - $175
ii) A bicycle including lock, basket & stationeries - $190
We are currently raising funds for the 219th well. Need 3 more parts to complete a whole well.
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) 1 Whole Well (Max 5 names) - $630 ii) 1 Part of Well (1 of 5 parts - only 1 name) - $155