[ INFAQ.SG ] 25 November 2022: They need our help!!
Published: Thu, 11/24/22
30 RABIULAKHIR 1444H / 25 Nov 2022
Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue
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Infaq Campaigns!
For every cent means saving a precious
They need our help!!
Crisis in Syria, Yemen, Palestine and other places where Muslims are minority
are no longer foreign to us. Day after day we see on television screens as well as in newspapers and radios about the suffering that they have to go through. And day after day we also see the efforts of the humanitarian activists who never stop asking for our help to channel donations to help them all.
Whether in terms of finances or food, clothes, useful knowledge books, infrastructure assistance, everything is in need to be given to these
Unfortunately today, many of us just turn a blind eye when we read these help ads. It is as if the feeling of humanity no longer exists in them. This is a very sad fact.
What causes the current generation no longer cares about the affairs of Muslims around the world?
How can we re-instill this humanity in this new generation and the next
generation to come?
I believe parents play a big role in inculcating this human nature in the new generation. As the Malay saying goes, "jika ingin melentur buluh, biarlah dari rebungnya".
If parents do not make sedaqah, waqf and zakat as a practice in educating children, this children will not have the realization about the importance of these things in helping people in
So with that, parents should constantly practice doing these practices so that it becomes a culture in the family. And this children as the grow up they will also tries to imitate what theor parents have done. Parents should not be "seperti ketam mengajat anaknya untuk berjalan lurus". This is because, they will end up being backfire by their own children.
On-Going Infaq Campaigns
Total No. Winter Packages Sponsored: 11 Total No. Of Winter
Packages Distributed: 0
No. of houses Completed: 31 No. of houses in Queue: 4 No. of houses under construction: 1
RELAUNCHING of Nur Project for rohingya
No. of Solar Panel Packages sponsored: 41
No. of Solar Panel Packages in Queue: 4
No. of Solar Panel Packages installing: 2
No. of Solar Panel Packages installed: 35
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) Full Solar Panel Package - $315 (One-time) ii) Full Solar Panel Package -
$315 (Yearly)
No. of Bicycles sponsored: 10
No. of Bicycles including stationeries sponsored: 53
No. of Bicycles distributed: 5
No. of Bicycles including stationeries distributed: 46
*All bicycles include lock & basket
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) A bicycle including lock & basket - $175
ii) A bicycle including lock, basket & stationeries - $190
We are currently raising funds for the 226th well. Need 4 more parts to complete a whole well.
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) 1 Whole Well (Max 5 names) - $630 ii) 1 Part of Well (1 of 5 parts - only 1 name) - $155