Assalaamu’alaikum to all Qur’an lovers,
We’re bringing you an exclusive and specialized study on Tahrirat for Qira'ah Imam Asim (Hafs & Shu'bah) from classical sources and its application.
is Tahrirat? The in-depth comparison study of variant recitations (Qira'at) at the turuq level. Discerning, isolating, and attributing each way (Wajh) to their respective tariq, avoiding any wrongful mixture in recitation and inaccuracies in narrating a Riwayah.
Common questions asked by
• “What is the difference between Qira'at Sughra & Qira'at Kubra?”
• “What is the difference
between tariq ash-Shatibiyyah & tariq at-Tayyibah?”
• “How is it that Riwayah Hafs can read Madd Ja'iz Munfasil with 2 harakat?”
Inshaa Allah, these questions will be answered as we share about ilmu Tahrirat in this program
organized by Nadi Furqan in association with Ulum Al-Azhar Academy.
For more details click here