Friday Evening - You go to a masjid wanting to do your Friday prayers. After the Khatib ends his Khutbah; everyone proceeds to stand up, fill up the gaps and align themselves to the proper Saf.
Here is the first realisation;
- You realise that some of our brothers put their legs close to each other, while some put their shoulders together.
Then as the Solat commences and ends, you come to a sudden realisation and unknowingly take notice of some things;
- Why do some place their toes on the ground when they sit down during
solat and others don't?
- Why do some people move their fingers while takhiyyat akhir, while some don't?
Learn more about Solat through the; Men of Islam: Solat Workshop!
Understand and internalise the correct way of Solat to ensure near-to-perfect ibadah for our daily lives. Together with Ustaz Hakim Yaakob, Every Monday, starting 26 October 22; 8pm - 9:30pm. On top of that a physical session on the last day at Islamicevent's Studio!