Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue
showing your support to our
Infaq Campaigns!
For every cent means saving a precious
Alms giving is a sincere gift as evidence of obedience to Allah s.w.t. Alms giving really cannot be forced but born from the heart to give based on
one's ability.
The meaning of alms giving in Islam is very broad. Alms giving are not only in the form of material things, but can be done with help, teaching knowledge, smiling, giving a living, dhikr and so on. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said;
"You remove stones, thorns and bones from the middle of the road is charity for you." (Hadith Bukhari)
fact, there are many rewards that Allah gives to those who like to give charity. Among them;
#1 – Removing Sins
Giving charity can also erase all previous sins and mistakes. However, first, all sins must be regretted and realized with repentance and nasuha not to repeat them again.
Prophet s.a.w said which meant:
"Charity can erase sins as water extinguishes fire" (Hadith narrated at-Tirmidhi)
#2 – Escaping From Hell
The Prophet s.a.w said:
"Give charity, all of you, because charity is a separation from hell."
In addition, even though any charity with even a small amount can avoid the
fire of hell. His Majesty's words again;
"Keep yourself away from the fire of hell even if it's only with (alms) a date."
#3 – Multiply Rewards
Alms giving is also an act that is very liked by Allah s.w.t in addition to being a good practice that rewards those who give charity. Allah says which means:
"The parable of those who give (alms) their wealth in the way of Allah, is like (the one who plants) a grain that grows seven strands and each strand contains a hundred seeds and Allah multiplies (reward) to whom He wills, and Allah All-Wise (His grace) and All-Knowing.” (Surah al-Baqarah: 261)
#4 – Extinguishing the Heat of the Grave
The Prophet s.a.w
"Indeed, charity will really extinguish the heat of the grave for its inhabitants, and the believer will take shelter under the shadow of his charity." (Hadith at-Thabrani)
#5 – Get Shade in the Hereafter
Those who like to give alms are those who will be shaded by Allah on the hereafter.
However, it must be those who are sincere, i.e. those who do not heed their gifts for the purpose of pointing or ripples.
"A person who gives charity with his right hand, then he hides his deeds until his left hand does not know what his right hand gives." (Hadith narrated by Bukhari)
#6 – Increase Fortune and Wealth
ever worry about the lack of sustenance because you give alms to others. Indeed, giving charity will expand and open the door of sustenance for us. Prophet s.a.w. said;
"The sustenance of those who give charity will not decrease, unless it increases, increases and increases."
#7 – Practices That Don't Break Until Death
Alms giving is also a
practice whose reward is prolonged until death. It was narrated from Abu Hurairah r.a, that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said:
"When the offspring of Adam die, then all his deeds are cut off, except for three things, namely: charity, a pious child who asks forgiveness for him (his mother and father) and useful knowledge after him."
#8 – Extend Your Life
How beautiful and miraculous is the practice of giving alms that the Prophet s.a.w said that by giving charity can prolong the life of the giver of alms.
"Indeed, the charity of a Muslim can increase his age, can prevent a bad death, Allah will remove from him pride, poverty and pride in oneself." (Hadith narrated by Thabrani)
#9 – Treating
Giving charity sincerely can cure the diseases of those who give charity, because charity can cleanse the heart and mind. But all that is with the permission of Allah s.w.t. Prophet s.a.w. said;
"Treat the sick among you by giving charity."
Indeed, Allah s.w.t gives a very great reward to His servants who give
May we be part of His servant who likes to give. Ameen.
On-Going Infaq Campaigns
Total No. Of Food Aid
Packages Sponsored: 38 Total No. Of Food Aid Packages Distributed: 0
No. of houses Completed: 31
No. of houses in Queue: 5
No. of houses under construction: 0
RELAUNCHING of Nur Project for rohingya
No. of Solar Panel Packages sponsored: 41
No. of Solar Panel Packages in Queue: 4
No. of Solar Panel Packages installing: 2
No. of Solar Panel Packages installed: 35
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) Full Solar Panel Package - $315 (One-time) ii) Full Solar Panel Package -
$315 (Yearly)
No. of Bicycles sponsored: 10
No. of Bicycles including stationeries sponsored: 53
No. of Bicycles distributed: 5
No. of Bicycles including stationeries distributed: 46
*All bicycles include lock & basket
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) A bicycle including lock & basket - $175
ii) A bicycle including lock, basket & stationeries - $190
We are currently raising funds for the 219th well. Need 3 more parts to complete a whole well.
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) 1 Whole Well (Max 5 names) - $630 ii) 1 Part of Well (1 of 5 parts - only 1 name) - $155