....relating them to contemporary circumstances. The Halaqah exposes participants to an introductory text that stood the test of time with its relevance, due to its aligned syllabus, especially with Singapore Muslim religious practices.
The study would cover the three main components of the religion; Iman, Islam, and Ihsan – making it an encompassing text that compiles the important things that all Muslims SHOULD KNOW.
The Halaqah welcomes those who want to learn the Religion through the traditional method yet – through
modern means (e.g Online and inclusive of Contemporary Topics).
The class is open to those new and old knowledge seekers of Islam.
Come join Ustaz Sukri Ahyar, as he covers various topics for those who are keen to know about Islam through the books of Risalah Jamiah, An Agenda to Change our Condition, Ark of Salvation, and many