[ Khidmah.SG ] Calling for Qurban Singapore 2023 interests.
Published: Sun, 03/26/23
Greetings to you and your family. Hope that everyone is well and safe.
Last week our team have submitted the tender to MUIS for the local Qurban operations. In the tender specifications, they outlined the tender to offer 2 packages which is:
Modified Qurban - referring to slaughtering in Australia and having the meat flown here.
Local slaughtering as an option.
As we are more keen for local slaughtering, we hope our proposals to them would be approved and be given the green light to execute our plans.
The announcements of tender applications will be around mid April
Be in our waiting list for Qurban Singapore 2023
If you are keen to do so for your family, fill up your name and contact details in our waiting list. No payment until the final package is out. Price is estimated to be at $780 to $880 per sheep. It can be cheaper or more expensive depending on operational factors, global inflation and GST.
You will be the first to know when the packages are released before we release it to