09 RAMADAN 1444H / 31 March
2023 Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue showing your
support to our Infaq Campaigns!
For every cent means saving a precious life.
When most countries and Muslim communities around the world are facing with various tests, trials and tribulations, be thankful to Allah s.w.t. that we are still blessed with the blessings of peace and well-being and abundant sustenance that keeps us away from the scenes of war, calamity and such a severe natural disaster. The favors that we get to enjoy today should be celebrated with the feeling of gratefulness before we are the ones being hit
by such trials, tests and tribulations.
The trials and disasters that happened to our brothers and sisters of Islam is actually a way for Allah s.w.t. to test us to what extent is our sensitivity and compassion towards these trials and disasters that happened involving our religious brothers. Concern, the value of love and the help that is extended is the best medicine in us facing this big issue. Indeed, the hearts and feelings of the Muslim
community have been tied with a bond that will never break and continue in whatever circumstances befall. Allah s.w.t. said:
"And you should help each other in doing good deeds and piety, and you should not help each other in committing sins (disobedience) and aggression." (Surah al-Maidah: 2)
May we not be included in the group that ignores and does not care about our fellow
Prophet s.a.w. strongly emphasizes the value of love and the practice of helping each other. The values instilled by Prophet s.a.w. to his other friends, should be used as role models for all of us. Based on this value, Islam is able to conquer almost all corners of the world. Armed with a strong faith and a strong brotherhood able to open big cities like Rome and Persia. Therefore, the value of helping each other and compassion is a
very noble and important value for us to instill in every human being.
The Prophet s.a.w. said:
"Help your brother who is oppressed or oppressed" A man said: "O Messenger of Allah, I will help him if he is oppressed, how will I help him if he is an oppressor?" His Majesty replied: "You can prevent him from doing injustice, so that means you are helping him." Narrated by Bukhari
KURMA AJWA AMAL 2023 [24-March-2023] A total of 33kg of Ajwa dates have been collected from our sponsors and delivered to Telok Belanga PA. They
will be distributing the dates to their residents over the whole month of Ramadan.
We would like to thank all of our sponsors and may Allah reward all our sponsors especially in this blessed month of
On-Going Infaq Campaigns
Total No. of Frozen Meals Set Sponsored: 14 Total No. of Frozen Meals Set Distributed: 0
No. of houses Completed: 32 No. of houses in Queue: 2 No. of houses under construction: 1
RELAUNCHING of Nur Project for rohingya
No. of Solar Panel Packages sponsored: 41
No. of Solar Panel Packages in Queue: 4
No. of Solar Panel Packages installing: 2
No. of Solar Panel Packages installed: 35
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) Full Solar Panel Package - $315 (One-time) ii) Full Solar Panel Package -
$315 (Yearly)
No. of Bicycles sponsored: 10
No. of Bicycles including stationeries sponsored: 53
No. of Bicycles distributed: 5
No. of Bicycles including stationeries distributed: 46
*All bicycles include lock & basket
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) A bicycle including lock & basket - $175
ii) A bicycle including lock, basket & stationeries - $190
We are currently raising funds for the 229th well. Need 2 more parts to complete a whole well.
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) 1 Whole Well (Max 5 names) - $630 ii) 1 Part of Well (1 of 5 parts - only 1 name) - $155