Solat Sunnah Workshop
“The first action for which a servant of Allah will be held accountable on the day of resurrection will be his prayers. If they are in order, he will have prospered and succeeded. If they are lacking, he
will have failed and lost.
If there is something defective in his obligatory prayers, then Allah will say: “See if my servants have any voluntary prayers that can complete what is insufficient in his obligatory prayers.” [Tirmizi]
Sisters, from this Hadith narrated by the Prophet s.a.w - it shows how merciful our Lord, Allah Ta'ala is towards His servant. It also shows us not only the importance of Solat in our lives but also a solution to our flaws.
Sisters, it's normal for us to have flaws and face potholes in our journey to
become better.
But what makes a difference between those who succeed and does not - is not just only about how many ibadah we do, but also whether we keep trying to become better than before!
Adaab Workshop
In one of the hadiths, Prophet s.a.w. mentioned that one of the main purposes for his appointment as a prophet is to perfect the moral character of the people = Adaab. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said: “I was sent to perfect good character.” [Sahih Muslim]
The Prophet s.a.w also said:
“The most perfect/complete believers in faith is he who is the best of them in
manners.” [Sunan At-Tirmizi]
Based on these 2
hadiths, let's explore how we can further enhance our adaab while living our everyday lives.
By referring to the contents of the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet s.a.w on Adaab or good character, we will find that morality is highly regarded in Islam.
This also shows that morality is deeply rooted in the principles of faith. The Islamic moral system encompasses every aspect of life, including one's affairs and relationship with the self, others, and ultimately with The Creator. Therefore, having good morals will benefit us in ways that strengthen our faith.
Join us as we increase our faith in the best way possible with the Solat Sunnah & Adaab Workshop - with Ustazah Nazeerah Shaik Alwie (holder of First Class-Honours, Masters in Da'awah [Islamic Propagation] and experienced teacher towards hundreds of students), Every Monday, starting 12 Jun 2023, 8pm to 9:30pm!