Do we have a choice in life or is everything predetermined?
What are the common misconceptions of Qada’ and Qadar?
When life goes wrong, Is everything to be blamed on Qada’ and Qadar?
In this class, we will discuss how can we develop a correct MINDSET and UNDERSTANDING towards Allah’s will in our daily life.
- Discover the concept of Qada’ and Qadar.
- Common questions and misconceptions.
- How to cope with challenges and trials?
- How does it positively
impact one's faith, resilience, and personal growth?
- How to develop a mindset of surrender to Allah's will and acceptance of His decree?
Gain insights on how to cope with challenges and develop a mindset of
surrendering to Allah's will.
Day/ date: Friday 23 June 2023
Time: 8 pm - 9.30 pm
Speaker: Ustazah Hidayah Azman
Join us for a discussion on Qada’ and Qadar with Ustazah
Hidayah Azman
Register for only $10 per person by clicking the button below.
Note: You'll receive the Zoom link to your email on the day of the event.