13 Rabi'ul Awal 1445H / 29 September 2023 Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue showing your support to our Infaq Campaigns!
For every cent means saving a precious life
From Abu Hurairah r.a. said, the Prophet s.a.w. said the meaning: "One of the signs of doomsday is the spread of miserliness." (Hadith Narrated by Al-Tabrāni in al-Awsat)
This description through the hadith of the Prophet s.a.w explains
that the condition of human beings in the end times will be covered by widespread miserliness that will have a great impact on their entire lives. They began to think about spending a little of their property because they were worried that they would become poor with the lack of the property. Prophet s.a.w. explained in another hadith: "Time will be short, knowledge will decrease, thrown to the hearts of people extreme miserliness and a lot of harj which is murder after murder." (Hadith
Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
The word stinginess in this hadith refers to the nature of stinginess accompanied by greed and all things that prevent a person from giving charity or doing good deeds. This mental illness that afflicts humans results in the sustenance of Allah s.w.t. which should be issued for the purpose of helping the less able cannot be implemented. Their concern will become poor and impoverished, causing the overflow of wealth
to be kept until they are unable to benefit others.
This matter is more critical when the property cannot be enjoyed by those who hold the property. They are willing to ration food, wear old clothes and do not have daily necessities, simply wanting to keep their wealth from running out. This miserly nature directly causes the disconnection between people and further invites the wrath of Allah s.w.t.
This miserly attitude is a reprehensible attitude that Allah s.a.w. threatening them with torture that humiliates and humiliates them. They disbelieve in the sustenance given by Allah s.w.t. so that you don't want to be grateful for all the abundant blessings.
The call to spend in the path of Allah SWT through zakat and the path of goodness is an obligatory thing for believers. Property is something that people like. For
this reason, Allah SWT does not command his servants to spend all their wealth on His path. But only take out a part of the profit they get. However, some of them began to be stingy and stingy with the sustenance they got, causing many negative elements to begin to fall upon them. As a result, the wealth obtained will be destroyed until it destroys their soul.
No. of houses Completed: 34 No. of houses in Queue: 2 No. of houses under
construction: 1
RELAUNCHING OF Project Clean Water in Cambodia
No. of wells Completed: 212
No. of wells in Queue: 19
No. of wells under
construction: 20
No. of wells still require: 201
We are currently raising funds for the 252nd well. Need 0 more
parts to complete a whole well.
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) 1 Whole Well (Max 5 names) - $630 ii) 1 Part of Well (1 of 5 parts - only 1 name) - $155