12 Rabi'ul Akhir 1445H / 27 October 2023 Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue showing your support to our Infaq Campaigns!
For every cent means saving a precious life
Among the noble morals of Rasulullah s.a.w. in dealing with people is repaying the services of those who do good to him. As the hadith from Aisyah r.a.:
"From Aisha r.a. she said: "The Messenger of Allah s.a.w. loved receiving gifts, and reciprocating them". (HR. Al-Bukhari)
When someone gives a gift, he doesn't just enjoy it, but he also reciprocates - by giving a similar gift. Even in Ibn Abi Shaibah's narration it is explained that it turns out that the Prophet s.a.w. return the gift with something better than the gift given to him.
"And the Prophet responded with a better gift". (HR. Ibn Abi Shaibah)
"On the authority of Abu Hurairah, on the authority of the Prophet s.a.w. who said: "Give each other gifts, you will surely love each other". (HR. Bukhari)
It is true that sometimes the person who is given a gift does not have the capital to give more or even the same. So that there is a mutual exchange
of gifts, based on the instructions of the Messenger of Allah, at least be answered with a prayer.
On the authority of Abdullah bin Umar r.a. he said: The Messenger of God s.a.w. said: "Whoever asks you for the sake of Allah, then give, and whoever invites you, then come. And whoever gives you a gift, then return it, if you can't afford it then return it with a prayer". (HR. Ahmad)
No. of houses Completed: 34 No. of houses in Queue: 2 No. of houses under
construction: 1
RELAUNCHING OF Project Clean Water in Cambodia
No. of wells Completed: 232
No. of wells in Queue: 20
No. of wells under
construction: 0
No. of wells still require: 198
We are currently raising funds for the 253rd well. Need 4 more
parts to complete a whole well.
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) 1 Whole Well (Max 5 names) - $630 ii) 1 Part of Well (1 of 5 parts - only 1 name) - $155