24 Jamadil Awwal 1445H / 8 December 2023 Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue showing your support to our Infaq Campaigns!
For every cent means saving a precious life
Redha With Qada':
Contentment with qada' means feeling accepting the conditions of fate that Allah s.w.t has
determined, both in the form of favors and in the form of calamities (catastrophes).
In the hadith it is stated that among the first people to enter heaven are those who like to praise Allah s.w.t. that is, they praise God (bertahmid) both in difficult situations and in easy situations.
It was reported by the Prophet s.a.w. when he was happy he said: "Praise be to God, whose favors make goodness perfect".
And when something unpleasant happened, His Majesty said: "Praise be to God for all things".
The command to accept the fate of God s.w.t. explained in another hadith of His Majesty which means:
"And if something troubles you, don't say: if I
have done this and that, this and that will happen. Instead, you should say: God has decreed and what He likes, He does!" Because the words: if... that give the devil a chance ". (Muslim Narrative)
An attitude of contentment by praising and thanking Allah s.w.t. When getting pleasure or something unpleasant relies on two meanings:
First: Starting from the understanding that indeed Allah s.w.t. ensure the occurrence of that as worthy of Himself because He is the best Creator. He is the Most Wise of all things.
Second : Relying on the understanding that the provisions and choices of Allah s.w.t. that is the best,
compared to personal choices and wishes related to oneself.
On-Going Infaq Campaigns
Total Amount Collected For School Fees, Accommodation and Meals: $0 Total Amount Collected For School Fees: $405 Total Amount Collected For Student Lunch: $1,458
No. of houses Completed: 34 No. of houses in Queue: 2 No. of houses under construction: 1
RELAUNCHING OF Project Clean Water in Cambodia
No. of wells Completed: 232
No. of wells in Queue: 25
No. of wells under construction: 0
No. of wells still require: 193
We are currently raising funds for the 258th well. Need 3 more parts to complete a whole well.
If you wish to sponsor this project, below are the packages: i) 1 Whole Well (Max 5 names) - $630 ii) 1 Part of Well (1 of 5 parts - only 1 name) - $155