[ INFAQ.SG ] 2 February 2024: Fortune That is Not Bless
Published: Thu, 02/01/24
21 Rejab 1445H / 2 February 2024 Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue showing your support to our Infaq Campaigns!
For every cent means saving a precious life
These are among the Signs of Poor Fortune
There are
people who have a big salary but still feel like they don't have enough money every month. Tell me you don't know where the salary goes.
In addition, there are also those who, when the salary comes in, continue to spend it on things that are not useful and useless, such as making investments that do not comply with Sharia.
It is said that
with that investment you can increase income but in the end there is not enough money either.
There is also a type of people who are always afraid of not having enough money and say they don't want to give alms even though they have a lot of money. But, the end is the same, still not enough money.
Many people have done this, but sometimes we don't even realize it because it feels familiar.
For example, I don't feel like I have time or I don't have time to read the Quran because there is a lot of other work that needs to be done. But, in fact, when there is free time, it is filled with useless things. Spend money
wastefully and not in the way of God.
The main cause of this restless heart is always associated with the blessing of sustenance.
Do you want to know why?
Have property but do not want charity, do not want to share with family, especially our parents
So, the issue of the blessing of sustenance should not be taken for granted because it will be the cause of various problems in life, especially problems of the heart.
When you live with this unblessed sustenance, no
matter how luxurious you are, you still feel like something is missing or something is wrong.
Even though everything is enough, the salary is high, the family is complete, but the heart is restless.
If you ever feel like that, you have to quickly "check" and correct anything that is wrong and "stop" doing things that are the cause of
unblessed sustenance.
Wallahu a'lam
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