In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating partners with You in any way, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know.
A marriage that is fenced in by sakinah mawaddah warahmah will clearly not diminish their loyalty until the end of each of their lives. Islam prohibits a form of marriage that is only intended to be temporary, such as mut'ah marriage or contract
marriage, this type of marriage is forbidden and is only carried out by Shiites.
But often we are still confused about defining loyalty. True loyalty is the highest peak of sincerity in love, because this love will bring various sacrifices that prove its loyalty. Loyalty will not be enough if it is only expressed in words or just by persuading, but loyalty exists and is applied in the form of attitude and
Therefore, a marriage requires pillars of loyalty which can be achieved through various efforts which are not easy.
Firstly, there is trust and openness between husband and wife, so that if an argument or problem occurs that is difficult to avoid, both of them can still find a way out by thinking calmly, communicating and not
rushing in making decisions.
The second is to protect each other and maintain the sanctity of marriage, and to preserve each other's honour.
And third, is mutual respect. In fact, as humans we were created with all shortcomings, while perfection belongs only to God Almighty.
Therefore, when entering into a legal marriage, people must build mutual commitment, understand the division of roles, accept the good and bad of their partner by praising each other and appreciating the small things.
And the fourth and most important thing is to enter into marriage and adhering to religious teachings, having faith in Allah SWT and obeying the values contained in Islamic
Therefore, be serious about maintaining a marriage because this is also one way to get approval from Allah SWT.