Your Journey to Ramadan in 3 simple steps:
- Remembrance (Dzikir): Focus on praising Allah, as simple as "La ilaha Illa-llah" "There is no god
but Allah"
- Patience (Sabr): Remember your initial attention and perform your 'ibadah with patience, as mentioned in surah al-Insan verse 12: "And will reward them for what they patiently endured [with] a garden [in Paradise] and silk [garments].
- Self-reckoning (Muhasabah): Most importantly, focus and believe in
Want more tips? Join our exclusive preparatory ramadhan course!
Benefits of this workshop?
- Spiritual Preparation: Mentally and spiritually prepare for Ramadhan by deepening their understanding of the significance of fasting, prayer, and other acts of worship
- Knowledge Enrichment: Attendees gain valuable insights into the teachings of Islam, such as the virtues of Ramadhan, the importance of self-discipline, and the rewards of
charity and kindness.
- Improved Worship: Learn how to improve the quality of their prayers, Quran recitation, and other forms of ibadah (worship) during Ramadhan.
Join our 5 weeks light-weight session for just $45 (full
session) and $10 (per session)! Missed the class? Fret not! Recordings will be given after every session.
May this Ramadan be your most rewarding yet. Start your journey today—we are here to guide you every step of the way!
Venue: Online (Zoom)
*Registered participants will be invited to the Zoom session.
*Do download on your device if you have not done so.
*Do check your email or junk mail for the link 4 hours before the session
Day/Date: Starting on Monday, 27 January 2025 (Session is on every Monday)
• Total of 8 weeks
• Time : 8:00pm to 9:30pm
• 1.5 hours of weekly session (Lesson + Q&A)