Qurban 1441H / 2020. Can we put the name of our Arwah?
Published: Tue, 06/30/20
Qurban 1441H / 2020
Assalammualaikum wr wb,
We hope you are well and in the best of health and iman. May Allah swt continue to bless your family and your life with his rahmah.
We would like to share this common question asked to us every year. We hope this will clarify this matter before you decide on performing the Qurban.
Can we put more the name of our Arwah?
Similar to last week's question, this is also a popular question and there is a difference of opinion between scholars on this matter. One group says Yes and the other group says No. You can look it up.
When there is a khilaf ( difference in opinion ), usually the people like us tend to get more confuse. Am I right?
Majority of scholars in our region says Yes.
Those who have the opinion that this is possible have the following reasons.
1st reason: The dua from a pious child to his/her deceased parents are accepted. Hence the act of Qurban from the child is similar to making dua for his/her parents. This is among the 3 things that continues when we passed on.
i) Dua of a pious child / orphan
ii) Knowledge that is beneficial
iii) Infaq / Wakf that continues to grow and benefit the community
2nd reason: Taken from the same hadith as last week.
This is how Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said it,
"This is from me and from those who did not sacrifice from my community."
Various scholars describe the "community" as those who have passed on also. Not just those who are alive.
How about the scholars that says No?
The argument is that the deceased will not get the rewards because Qurban is only valid for those who are alive.
For this group, there is an exception.
Unless the arwah did mention during his/her lifetime and left a will that mentioned specifically to perform Qurban on his behalf, then the Qurban needs to be done.
* This is also a reminder to us so that when we leave this world, don't ask too much of our children because we do not know the state of their wealth when we pass on and such wills ( wasiah ) can be a burden to them.
Lengthy debates
As we mentioned last week, these debates can be quite lengthy. Feel free to ask your own Asatizahs for their opinions.
Have questions about Qurban and Aqiqah? Feel free to ask us.
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