Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. All praises is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds - The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, Sovereign of the Day of Recompose. It is You we worship and You we ask for help. Guide us to the straight path - the path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked (Your) anger or of those who
are astray. Ameen.
Did you know that our planet is "sick"? Name it. Covid-19 is actively spreading around the world. B16172 variant is coming on board the yet unresolved problem of Covid-19. The inhumane act of apartheid in Palestine.
Today, the effects of human activities on the planet go far beyond climate change. Today, human activities have gone as far as oppressing other human beings.
Why did I say that? We might not be keeping someone in subjection or hardship by being unjust. But our unbothered attitude of taking an action or our mindset of "if not you, others will do it" that causes them to be oppressed. As humans, this is unjust.
Have we forgotten Allah's s.w.t. message of "Hablumminallah and Hablumminannas" in the Al-Quran? Man's relationship with Allah s.w.t. (hablumminallah) and human relationships with other humans (hablumminannas).
We are given the responsibility to preach and this requires interaction with other people. Allah s.w.t. asked us to help in the good things. Each of us has a right to other people - for example, family rights, neighboring rights, community rights and others. Thus, it is our choice whether to help or not to help.
Relationship with humans is also a way for us to gain Allah's s.w.t. paradise. People who worship only but in bad manners with jealousy towards other people, severing ties, being selfish by not helping others etc, all the rewards of worship will disappear.
Thus, let's us help to heal our "sick" planet. Let's us practise good. Let's us engage ourself with the different initiatives that are available to help our brothers and sisters all around the world be it Muslim or Non-Muslim. For Islam is the religion of Peace and Love.
Help Palestinians in Gaza
A local charity - Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation (RLAF) - has started an online fund-raiser on Saturday (May 22) to help Palestinians in Gaza. The funds will go to health, relief and social services for communities affected by the ongoing conflict in that region, the charity said in a release. RLAF is collaborating with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for this collection. All
donations will be channelled through the UNRWA, which is actively operating on the ground to provide humanitarian aid to the victims and families.
Members of the public can make their online donations at
The collection will end on May 30.
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with the organisations mentioned above.