Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating partners with You in any way, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know. Ameen.
We thank you for subscribing to our mailing list and following our development thus far. We hope this email reaches you and your family in the best state of health and Iman, Ameen. We also hope that our newsletters and updates have been regularly been the food for your soul in becoming better Muslim and Muslimah, Ameen.
As Syawal is coming to its end, although we did not managed to celebrate it the normal way, remember that engaging Silaturrahim with family, friends and humanity should continue.
Silaturrahim is seen as a beautiful thing in Islam thus promoting peace and inspiring unity within each other. Religion is not a religion without humanity and civility towards one another.
Silaturrahim is not limited to our friends and family whom we share the same blood or space with; it also expands to all those around us.
Those who are less fortunate than us and those who are struggling, without even a fraction of what we have, while we have too much in comparison– the unity and bond of Silaturrahim is strengthened by these kind acts towards fellow human beings. It is difficult not to want to help someone in an unfortunate position.
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. mentioned:
"Whoever loves that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be prolonged then he should keep good relations with his Kith and kin."
Sahih al-Bukhari (5986) and Sahih Muslim (2557)
In other Hadis, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. mentioned:
“O people, spread (the greeting of) Salam, offer food to people and pray at night when people are sleeping, you will enter Paradise in peace.”
Sunan Ibnu Majah (3251)
Thus, now we see how important it is to strengthen Silaturrahim in the eyes of our religion. We hope that the end of Syawal does not mean the end of Silaturrahim but the catalyst for us start and continue building and strengthening our Silaturrahim with the people around us, Insyaallah.
Meanwhile, do look through our list of upcoming events. You never know if the answer to your curiosity can be answered through our events. May Allah s.w.t. give you the guidance in what ever that you are searching for!! Ameen!!