Have you ever wonder what you'll need to do when someone close to you passes away in the middle of the night? Would it be calling the ambulance first or a Doctor first?
Here come a few questions, who do you call after that?
Am I allowed to keep the Janazah at home?
When will the Funeral Director come, and what should I do before it?
Is it a must to cover all the mirrors and anything reflective in the house with a cloth because "the Roh might see him/herself and feel shocked"?
Death is a very painful and emotional time, yet one that may be filled with hope and mercy. Muslims believe that death is a departure from the life of this world, but not the end of a person's existence. Rather, eternal life is to come, and we pray for Allah's mercy to be with the departed, in hopes that they may find peace and happiness in the next to come.
That is for the person who will face death. But how about the family or relatives? It's very easy to say stay calm and be strong but without the proper knowledge and guidance many times that will not be the case. In some instances, family members break down and make irrational decisions which may cause more problems.
If this situation arises in your family, would you know what to do?
This is a 2-day course, which consists of theory and practical.