[Nadi Furqan] Finding the time to Recite the Al-Quran Beautifully
Published: Wed, 06/16/21
Let Us All Find Time
to Recite the Al-Quran
well and with
Correct Tajwid
@ Online Class
Reciting the Qur’an with the proper application of Tajwid
rules is Fardh ‘Ain – obligated upon every Muslim. It is therefore necessary to find a capable teacher to guide and rectify our recitation.
Are you one of those who have hectic work schedules, irregular shifts and other commitments that are preventing you from
attending regular Qur’anic classes?
Are you looking for a 1-to-1 Qur’anic recitation classes
but cannot commit to a fixed weekly schedule?
Our 1-to-1 personal coaching class offers a customizable & flexible schedule that caters to working professionals, shift workers, super busy people (you name it!).
Covering diverse levels from beginners to intermediate and advanced levels, our ARS-certified Asatizah will equip you with the necessary knowledge and drilling in your Qur’anic journey – from not knowing any letters at all to khatam the Qur’an proficiently.
For your 1st session, our Asatizah will assess your reading proficiency and knowledge of Tajwid before assigning which level is suitable for you.
Note: Sijil Khatam will be awarded to all students who completed the full Qur’an recitation proficiently. Ijazah Sanad will also be awarded to selected readers who has showed exceptional command of Tajwid and consistency.
• Once-off Registration Fee of $50
• Lesson Fee at a rate of $20 for 30 mins (recurring payment).
Students must purchase a minimum of 2 hours for the Lesson Fee.
Once the hours have been used up, students are to make new payment (Lesson Fee) before booking the next class.
Note: Depending on the level you are assigned to, you may or may not need to purchase learning material(s).
Flexible timing & duration based on your convenience!Students can opt to have their lessons online (via Zoom) or attend physical class at our Tampines centre, or even alternate between the two.
Your 1st lesson will be 30 mins (introduction, assessment & recommendation) whereas the subsequent lessons will be up to you! You don’t have to schedule once a week.
Note: Reservation of slots will only be confirmed once payment has been received. As lessons are strictly based on booking, please contact
9455 4824 to book your slots once payment has been made.
QUR’AN FOR KIDS & TEENS is a weekly class by Nadi Furqan to develop your child’s potential in achieving proficient Qur’anic recitation.
Students will be taught the basics of recitation, recognizing the Arabic letters, knowing the reading signs and its proper sounds. Students will practice reading & writing, implementing basic Tajwid in their recitation.
By the end of the program, students will be well equipped to read the Qur’an precisely & effortlessly.
• 1 hr per session every week (for 12 months)
• Small & focused group (1 teacher to 3 students)
Note: Depending on the student’s background & progress, they may complete the program earlier than the stipulated duration.
Learn the basics of Qur'an through fun, interactive, & effective way!
Things you will learn in this course:
• Recognize the Qur’anic letters and its shape variants
• Basic reading signs (Harakat, Sukun, Tanwin, Tasydid etc.)
• Proper articulation of letters from its Makhraj
• Refine pronunciations through Sifat Huruf
• Distinguish similar sounding letters
• Learn selected Tajwid rulings (Madd, Lam At-Ta’rif, Hamzah Wasl etc.)
• Numerous reading exercises to practice and build proficiency
• Starting Date: 03 July 2021 (Saturday)
• Duration: 5 weeks (2 hrs weekly)
• Timing: 9 am - 11 am
• Class: Online via Zoom
• Book: Tadrib At-Tartil (click this link for book details)
• Fee: $150 (inclusive of course fee, book & delivery charges)
• Payment via PayNow to 94554824
To register for this course, click on the registration button below and fill in your details.
Once payment is received, the book will be delivered to the address that you provided in the registration form.
Link to the Zoom session will be given nearing the starting date.
Kursus Tajwid komprehensif yang merangkumi teori berserta contoh-contoh dan latihan praktikal. Belajar hukum-hukum Tajwid yang perlu diketahui dan dikuasai sebagai persiapan untuk membaca Al-Qur’an. Penjelasan yang mudah difahami bersertakan gambar rajah dan jadual.
Sesuai bagi mereka yang telah melalui kurus bacaan asas dan mampu membaca kalimah-kalimah pendek Al-Qur'an dengan lancar.
Apa yang akan dipelajari:
Topik asas : Makhraj & Sifat Al-Huruf, Ta'awwudz & Basmalah, Nun & Mim Sakinah, Lam Ta'rif, Idgham, Madd, Tafkhim & Tarqiq, Hamzah Al-Wasl, Huruf Muqotho'at dll.
Topik lanjutan : An-Nabr, Tingkatan Ghunnah & Tafkhim, Saktah, Roum, Isymam, Tashil, Naql, Imalah, Waqf pada akhir kalimah dll.