Death is certain and will eventually come to us whether it's today, tomorrow or in the future. How prepared are we if Allah swt wants us to return to Him?
In Islam, we are encouraged to be prepared and plan for our death and there are steps that one needs to be responsible for spiritually and worldly.
Generally these are matters that need to be attended to when a Muslim passes on and it is by sequence.
1) Settle all burial matters
2) Settle debts owed to others.
3) Settle debts owed to Allah swt ( Zakat, Fidya, Hajj Badal, etc )
4) Settle what has been willed ( if available )
5) Distributing wealth to family members ( Faraidh )
So how much do we really know about the above matters?
Do we just leave this to the experts when it is time to come or will it be too late if you discovered that most of the wealth goes to Baitulmal (Islamic Treasury) and not to the family members. And by then you question and blame the authorities and the religion. This happens when we are ignorant and don't plan towards these important matters.
What happens if you do not prepare for it?
– A house which you use to own may be taken away from your family leaving them shelterless
– Arguments about CPF and insurance payouts.
– Arguments about why the uncles get my dad's money? ( For family that do not have sons )
– Why are my children getting so little of your wealth? How can that be?
– We can list down more issues.
And do you know how?
The following course is to educate you on the fundamentals and the foundations of Islamic Inheritance. This topic can go all the way to PHD level, however not all of us require that in-depth knowledge. Understanding the fundamentals like knowing the various terms in Wills etc and the practical steps of what an executer will be doing will be sufficient for most of
Should you attend this course?
1) Attend this course if you wish to know more about Islamic Inheritance so that you can prepare your wills, hiba, nuzriah, etc
2) Attend this course if you are asked by your spouse, sibling, parents or friends to be their Executers. An executer is someone who will take charge of distributing your wealth when you pass on. Do you qualify to be an Executer?
3) Attend this course if you are married or divorce and especially with children. Regardless of what age you get married at, this is the time when you need to start to plan for this. This is even more important if you are a divorcee and planning to marry again.
4) Attend this course if you are single and yet have a substantial amount of money/assets. Although things may change when you get married, this would be easier if you understand it earlier on and you can share this with your future spouse some day.
5) Attend this course if you are in the real estate or insurance profession as you may be able to advise your Muslim clients better if the worst happens to them.
This course will cover the following topics:
Part 1: Islamic Inheritance By Ustaz Haron Masagoes
- Who governs our assets when we pass on?
- Faraidh
- Who gets first and who gets what?
- The various Islamic Instruments
- Wills, Nuzriah, Hiba, etc
- Case Studies
- Normal Family, Converts & Their Families, Families with no
daughters and more. Does your sister inherits your wealth?
Part 2: Contemporary Issues with Islamic Inheritance by Mr Syed Afiq Syed Ismail
- Is it simple to draw money from CPF or your Insurance?
- Get to know the process of retrieving the decease assets in accordance to Singapore context.
- Why do you need a Will? Is it necessary?
- Does verbal will counts in the eyes of the Singapore Law?
- What happens if nobody claims the inheritance?
- Who is your Executer? What does an Executer do?
- Letters of Probate
- and more
Part 3: Practical – Preparing a simple will for your family by Mr Zaid Masagos.
Writing a will may not be as hard as you think however you do need witnesses and an executer.
Venue: Online
Registered participants will be invited into the Zoom session.
Do download on your device if you have not done so.
Do check your email for the link an hour before the session start.
9 hours course
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Part 1: Islamic Inheritance by Ustaz Haron Masagoes
Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm
Part 2: Contemporary Issues with Islamic Inheritance by Mr Syed Afiq
Time: 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Sunday, 4 July 2021
Part 3: Practical – Preparing a simple will for your family by Mr Zaid Masagos.
Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm
$25 per pax (Non-members)
$20 for ( Members). Log in to the membership area to use your points to purchase the tickets.
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* Price is inclusive of notes in PDF which are downloadable.
Terms & Conditions
- Full Payments are to be made before the Course starts.
- NO REFUND for participants that fail to attend the Course. Ensure you can commit to the course timings.
- Participants will be given Notes. You will have to download from the link given nearer to the course dates.
- Organizer has the right to make changes to the schedule or cancel the course. Participants will be informed in advance for changes.
How to Register?
- Scroll to the bottom
How to make a payment?
Method 1) Bank Transfer / Debit Card / Paypal / HitPay (Paynow/Paylah)
– Click register below
Step 1: Choose the quantity
Step 2: Fill in your details
Step 3: Choose your mode of payment and proceed with payment.