[Al-Busyro] Let's Learn To Solat - A Basic to Advance Solat Guidance for Families
Published: Wed, 07/07/21
* Let's Learn to Solat *
A Basic to Advance
Solat Guidance
for the whole
- Basic Solat Workshop -
6th July 2021
- Revision Solat Workshop -
17 July 2021
- Halusi Solat Workshop -
24 July 2021
Online @ Zoom
The Importance of Solat
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Between faith and unbelief is
abandoning the prayer.” (Muslim)
The Prophet (SAW) said: “The key to Paradise is prayer; the key to
prayer is wudu (ablution).” (Musnad Ahmad)
Before It's Too Late...
Before we get old, weak, and sick, let's start learning now...
Before we get overwhelmed and too busy with personal commitments, let's make time now...
Before we breathe our last breath, let's start praying now...
We Present To You...
A complete Solat guidance from basic to advanced
Session 1: Basics Of Solat
Session 2: Revision of Solat
Session 3: Halusi/Refining Your Solat
Everything you need to get you started.
Come with zero knowledge, you will leave with every piece of knowledge and tips you need to start performing your Solat with confidence everywhere and anytime, and no matter what situation you're in.
Details of each workshop:
1) Basic Solat Workshop
- The guidelines of solat
- The Dos and Don'ts of solat
- The wajib prayers to recite and what one can do if they're unable
- Solat while being sick, and while seated
- Sunnah solat
- Solat for children
- Prayers and recitations for solat, and which are the obligatory
Date: 6th July 2021
Time: 8 - 9.30pm
Language: English/Malay
Venue: Zoom Online
2) Revision Solat Workshop
*Revision and deeper explanation of the Basic Solat Workshop*
Date: 17th July 2021
Time: 8 - 9.30pm
Language: Malay
Venue: Zoom Online
3) Refining Solat Workshop
- Physical Preparation
- Mindset Preparation
- Purity through Wudu
- Contemplate what you’re Reciting
- Eliminate distractions
- Follow the Sunnah
- Dua– Supplication to Allah
And many more.
Date: 24th July 2021
Time: 2.30 - 6.30pm
Language: English