[ Al-Busyro ] The Key to Paradise is Prayer & Reciting the Al Quran
Published: Wed, 08/04/21
“The Key to Paradise is Prayer...”
A Basic to Advance
Solat Guide for the
Whole Family
3 August 2021 Onwards
Online @ Zoom
The Importance of Solat
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Between faith and unbelief is
abandoning the prayer.” (Muslim)
The Prophet (SAW) said: “The key to Paradise is prayer; the key to
prayer is wudu (ablution).” (Musnad Ahmad)
We Present To You...
A complete Solat guidance from basic to advanced
Session 1: Basic Of Solat
A basic, short and light workshop for those who has very little to zero knowledge about how to perform the prayers.
Ustadz will share with you the heartwarming story of how our Prophet Muhammad saw met with Allah swt and had a conversation about obligations of prayers.
Ustad will also explain to you the important actions required to do while performing solat.
And also, He will share with you what are the things that we are allowed and not allowed do to before and during the solat.
Session 2: Revision of Solat
The revision workshop is simply as what it sounds like. It is for those who have been performing their prayers for many years yet they feel like something is missing or there are things that they may be unsure or don't know.
This workshop will be a good way to revise what was forgotten and even learn something new that you may have not learn before regarding to solat.
Sometimes, it makes the prayer feels more easier to perform and less of a burden when we know what we are doing is right, especially during busy or complicated situations.
Session 3: Halusi/Refining The Solat
Indeed, the best way to connect to Allah swt is through learning how to improve the quality of our solat.
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The servant is closest to his Lord during prostration, so increase your supplications therein.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 482
In this advance workshop, we will learn how to be more mindful and increase our khusyook in the prayer.
We will learn the meanings and hikmah behind each recitation and parts of the solat.
We will eventually learn how to love performing the prayer so much that we can't wait to perform the next prayer. MasyaAllah. - That is what happens when you perfect and refine your solat.
Everything you need to get you started.
Come with zero knowledge, you will leave with every piece of knowledge and tips you need to start performing your solat with confidence everywhere you go, anytime, and no matter what situation you're in. InsyaAllah..
We will show a video demonstration of the prayer movements too.
As we realize that the best way to teach is not just to say out the points, but also to show them through actions as well in hopes you will get the most clarity, and that's not all!..
Here are some bonus for you too!
- Get FREE access to workshop recordings for a lifetime (Worth $47)
- Get FREE access to the individual solat movement video guidelines (Worth $27)
- Only pay $15 if you wish to come for all the 3 workshops the following month (Worth $115)
- Get access to Ustaz personal contact information to clear any doubts anytime too!
1) Basic Solat Workshop
- The guidelines of solat
- The Dos and Don'ts of solat
- The wajib prayers to recite and what one can do if they're unable
- Solat while being sick, and while seated
- Sunnah solat
- Solat for children
- Prayers and recitations for solat and which are obligatory ones
Siapakah orang yang paling rugi dalam dunia dan akan dibangkitkan di akhirat dalam keadaan buta? Merekalah orang yang enggan membaca dan memperbaiki bacaan Al-quran.
"Barangsiapa yang berpaling dari peringatanKu (Al Quran), maka baginya rezeki yang sempit. Dan di hari kiamat dia akan didatangkan dalam keadaan buta" QS Thaha: 124.
Tapi bukan itu sahaja yang kita patut fikirkan, ada juga kebaikkan yang banyak untuk motivasi kita membaca dan memperbaiki bacaan Al-Quran seperti:
Seorang muslim yang membaca Al Quran akan dibalas oleh Allah SWT berupa satu kebaikan. Dan dari satu kebaikan tersebut akan dilipat ganda menjadi 10 kebaikan.
Kebaikan yang didapatkannya akan menghapus kesalahan yang telah dilakukan.
Mereka yang membacanya juga akan mendapatkan syafaat kelak di hari kiamat.
Syarat membaca Al-Quran tidak harus lancar dahulu untuk mendapatkan ganjaran pahala. Meskipun merangkak, kita tetap akan mendapat pahala sebanyak 2 pahala setiap kali kita menyebut satu huruf.
Tapi kalau kita usaha dengan gigih, maka lebihlah ganjarannya untuk mereka yang usaha!
Yok, kita belajar membaca Al-Quran, kita betulkan lagi tajwid kita dengan berguru.
InsyaAllah berikut yang anda akan pelajari:
Fasa Pertama (3 bulan)
Asas Bacaan
Mengenal huruf
Mengenal tanda dan baris
Memperhalusi bacaan
Teknik menghafal 28 huruf
Mengenal huruf sambungan
Bacaan huruf dan ayat sambungan
Sifat Huruf
Hukum Nun Mati
Talaqqi dan tasmi’
Tarikh mula: 11 August 2021
Setiap Rabu Malam
Waktu: 8-9.30pm
Feesnya: $45 sebulan dan ada $15 Registration Fees.