[Essentials of Islam] Re-visit the "Fardhu 'Ain" of Islam
Published: Mon, 08/23/21
Tadarrus Kitab: Essentials of Islam
Starting 2nd September 2021
8pm - 9:30pm (Every Thursday, 8 Session)
Online via Zoom
The First Kitab: Risalah Jamiah - Essentials of Islam New to Islam and don't know where to start? Forgot of what we've learned when we were young about our religion? Or need to strengthen the basic knowledge of our religion?
Join us as we learn the Basic Understanding of Islamic Faith, from knowing our Faith and, Pillars of Islam to Morals of knowing oneself as a Muslim! In times of vast information that are easily spread and attainable throughout the digital world, we have to refresh and have an information from the credible and right sources.
Learn how important these core compasses of foundations are to our lives as Muslims and apply them in our daily lifestyle!
Tadarrus Kitab Series consist of guidance to learn from the Core Foundations of Islam such as Aqidah and Fiqh, to Advanced Topics, such as Fiqh Marriage, Tasawwuf and many more.
The goal of this series is to bring traditional learning into contemporary times while at the same time, Khatam and learn through Kitab! All of it - in a simple and layman term.
Come and join us together with Ustaz Khairi Nazron, as we learn our religion deeper and have a feel at how traditional learning with a teacher and going through a kitab is like!