Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating partners with You in any way, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know. Ameen.
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Born on February 24, 1304, Ibn Battuta was one of the famous medieval period Muslim scholar and traveller. Known as Shams al-Din Abu Abdallah Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Ibn Battuta al-Lawati al-Tanji at birth, Ibn Battuta was famously known for his traveling and going on excursions called the Rihla. From his name, “al-Tanji” was coined to Ibn Battuta for the fact that he was born in Tangier, a city located on the coast of Morocco. Tangier is a
city that is very rich in history due to the historical presence of many civilizations and cultures starting from before the 5th century BC. A notable person who came from the same city as Ibn Battuta was Abdullah al-Ghumari, a Muslim preacher, jurist and theologian. The title “al-Lawati” was given to Ibn Battuta for the fact that his family belonged to the Berber tribe of Luwata, which first appears in history as a nomadic tribe in Cyrenaica and on the borders of Egypt .
In 1325, at the age of 21, Ibn Battuta left Tangier and headed to Mecca to perform his first pilgrimage. He reached Mecca a year and a half after he left his native town. Along the way to Mecca, Ibn Battuta visited North Africa, Egypt, Palestine and Syria. Upon completing his first pilgrimage in 1326, Ibn Battuta did not return to his native town, instead he continued embarking on his travels, quest for adventures and knowledge and performing his subsequent
A qadi, or judge, by profession, Ibn Battuta spent eight years holding the post in India. He served as a judge for the government of Muhammad Tughluq, Sultan of Delhi. Ibn Battuta finally returned to Morocco in 1355 after all his travels and quests. Later in 1368 at the age of 65, Ibn Battuta embarked on his final journey to meet his ultimate Creator.
Meanwhile, do look through our list of upcoming events. You never know if the answer to your curiosity can be answered through our events. May Allah s.w.t. give you the guidance in what ever that you are searching for!! Ameen!!