[ Al-Busyro ] Perkara Pertama Dihisab Di Akhirat Nanti Ialah Solat
Published: Sun, 08/29/21
"Solat adalah ibadat yang
menduduki tempat tertinggi..."
Online Event @ Zoom
Allah SWT berfirman dalam Surah al-Mukminun, ayat 1-2 yang bermaksud: “Benar-benar sangat beruntung orang-orang beriman. Yakni mereka yang khusyuk dalam mengerjakan sembahyang.”
Dalam satu lagi ayat, Allah SWT menegaskan yang bermaksud: “Benar-benar sangat beruntung orang-orang yang membersihkan diri dengan beriman dan sentiasa berzikir menyebut nama Tuhannya serta mengerjakan sembahyang.”
(Surah Al-A’la, ayat 14-15)
SOLAT adalah ibadat yang menduduki tempat tertinggi. Seandainya seseorang Muslim itu taat mendirikan solat fardu sebanyak lima kali dalam sehari bermakna dia seolah-olah menegakkan agamanya.
Apabila meninggalkan solat, ia umpama seseorang itu tidak mahu berusaha membina agamanya dengan sempurna. Terdapat tidak kurang 100 ayat dalam al-Quran membicarakan mengenai solat.
Daripada Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu, bahawa Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam bersabda:
Sesungguhnya perkara yang pertama sekali akan dihisab terhadap seorang hamba daripada amalannya pada hari kiamat ialah sembahyang fardhunya. Jika baik cara mengerjakan sembahyangnya, maka dia telah berjaya dan mendapat pahala, dan jika rosak sembahyangnya, maka dia mendapat kerugian dan kebinasaan".
Maka begitulah pentingnya kita wajib belajar mendirikan solat dengan betul dan baik,
Memandangkan kelas ini lebih fokus kepada amalan sebagai seorang wanita, isu-isu fiqh wanita dalam solat dan bab bersuci akan turut dikongsi.
Bab-bab wajib dalam hal solat seperti:
Pengenalan Tentang Solat
Apa Maksud Solat?
Cara Solat (Langkah Demi Langkah Asas)
Kenapa Kita Perlu Solat?
Syarat Wajib Solat
Syarat Sah Solat
Panduan Mengerjakan Solat Fardu Lima Waktu
Solat Fardu Zohor
Solat Fardu Asar
Solat Fardu Maghrib
Solat Fardu Isyak
Solat Fardu Subuh
Panduan Solat Berjemaah
Ustazah Wannadwah juga akan bincangkan tentang isu-isu mengenai:
- Solat dalam perjalanan
- Solat dalam keadaan sakit
- Solat dalam keadaan darurat (Seperti tiada air untuk berwudhu)
- Solat dalam keadaan bermusafir(Di luar negeri)
Dan berbagai lagi!..
Tarikh permulaan: 21/09/2021 (Setiap Selasa selama 2 bulan)
Waktu: 9-10pm
Fees: $70 (Full Course fees), $10 (Registration fees)
Nota: Akan diberikan secara pecuma
Zoom meetings
Sembarang pertanyaan boleh email kami di admin@albusyrolearningdevelopment.sg. Kami akan jawab setiap soalan secepat mungkin. InsyaAllah.
“Between the believer and the non-believer is the prayers”
Online Event @ Zoom
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Between the believer and the non-believer is the prayers” (Muslim)
The Prophet (SAW) said: “The key to Paradise is prayer; the key to prayer is wudu (ablution).” (Musnad Ahmad)
Before It's Too Late..
Before we get old, weak, and sick, let's start learning now..
Before we get overwhelmed and too busy with personal commitments, let's make time now..
Before we breathe our last breath, let's start praying now..
We Present To You... A complete solat guidance from basic to advance. (This page registration is for the basics of solat.)
We have 3 different levels on different days and you can choose either one or join all 3 sessions at a discounted rate. (Save up to $40)
- 1st level is Basic Solat Workshop
- 2nd level is Revision Solat Workshop
- 3rd level is Halusi Solat Workshop.
This workshop is a basic, short and light workshop for those who have very little to zero knowledge about how to perform the prayers.
Ustadz will share with you the heartwarming story of how our Prophet Muhammad saw met with Allah swt and had a conversation about obligations of prayers.
Ustad will also explain to you the important actions required to do while performing solat.
And also, He will share with you what are the things that we are allowed and not allowed do to before and during solat.
We will show a video demonstration of the prayer movements
As we realize that the best way to teach is not just to say out the points, but also to show them through actions as well in the hope that you get the best clarity, and that's not all!
Here Are Some Bonus For You!
Get FREE access to workshop recordings for a lifetime (Worth $47)
Get FREE access to the individual solat movement video guidelines (Worth $27)
Join all 3 sessions at a discounted rate. (Save up to $40)
50% off each session if you wish to repeat the sessions again
Get access to Ustaz personal contact information to clear any doubts anytime too!
What you will learn:
The guidelines of solat
- The Dos and Don'ts of solat
- The wajib prayers to recite and what one can do if unable
- Solat while being sick, and while seated
- Sunnah solat
- Solat for children
- Prayers and recitations for solat, and which are obligatory ones
Date: 7th September 2021 (Tuesday)
Time: 8 - 10pm
Language: English
Zoom Online
**Only those who register 4 days before the closing date will have their books delivered on time. Those who order the book 3 days before the closing date will receive their books later**
Payable to Al Busyro Learning Development Paynow UEN: 53404074L
For more enquiries, you may drop an email to admin@albusyrolearningdevelopment.sg