Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating partners with You in any way, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know. Ameen.
It has been hundred of years that Al-Quran has been brought down to humankind through Jibril a.s. to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Ever since Al-Quran, the words of Allah s.w.t, was revealed, it has been the guidance to all Muslim pertaining the affairs in this world and the hereafter eversince.
In Singapore in particular, it is amazing to see that there is a growing interest among the Singaporean Muslims in learning the Al-Quran. All ages are starting to open up and eliminate their shyness in order to start learning the recitation of the Al-Quran from basic. The demand for Asatizahs to come over to houses to teach the recitation of Al-Quran is also increasing, Masyaallah.
As Muslim, we must always remember our responsibilities towards the Al-Quran. Allah s.w.t. did not bring down the Al-Quran merely for our reference purposes. It is more than that.
1. Learn and Teach
"The best of you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it" [ Hadith No. 23 Muamalaat ]
As Muslimss, to learn the Al-Quran is a must because believing in it is one of the Pillars of Iman and to read it is an Ibadah. To teach does not mean you have to open up a class and start teaching. No. To teach is as simple as calling your family members to sit and learn the Al-Quran together.
2. Tartil
"Surely those who recite the Book of Allah, establish prayer, and donate from what We have provided for them—secretly and openly—˹can˺ hope for an exchange that will never fail" [ Surah Fatir, Verse 29 ]
Tartil is to read the Al-Quran in proper order. To read as the Prophet s.a.w. used to recite and as he was ordered by Allah s.w.t. Prophet s.a.w. used to the Al-Quran slowly, making the letters clear because this is an assistance in understanding and pondering the meaning, read it with Tajwid and Waqaf or stop the verses at the designated places.
3. Sit and Listen
"And when the Qur'ân is recited, then listen to it and remain silent, that you may be delivered to Mercy" [ Surah Al-'Araf, verse 204 ]
This falls under the Adab category. We ought to respect the words of Allah s.w.t. not only in our own reading but also when listening to someone else reading it.
4. Tadabbur
"Do they not then reflect on the Quran? Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would have certainly found in it many inconsistencies" [ Surah Al-Nisa', Verse 82 ]
This is the most important responsibility of ours. We ought to understand the meaning of the Al-Quran as not to misintepret it and practise the Al-Quran wrongly. Failure in understanding the Al-Quran the right way will result in us being in total ignorance. When this ignorance keep building up, it will result in the emergence of the extremist attribute in us because we are only practising the surface of the Al-Quran. And this is dangerous.
Nevertheless, it is totally alright to slowly pick up these responsibilities as long as you ade Istiqamah in picking it up. So do not panic and worry ok!!
We thank you for subscribing to our mailing list and following our development thus far. We hope this email reaches you and your family in the best state of health and Iman, Ameen. We also hope that our newsletters and updates have been regularly been the food for your soul in becoming better Muslim and Muslimah, Ameen.
Meanwhile, do look through our list of upcoming events. You never know if the answer to your curiosity can be answered through our events. May Allah s.w.t. give you the guidance in what ever that you are searching for!! Ameen!!