Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating partners with You in any way, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know. Ameen.
Islam prohibits eating of the flesh of swine, as it is a sin and impiety to do so. But to today's kids, they dont buy anymore the reason to why swine is prohibited. That is it is dirty and it has been written in the Quran. Thus this is challenge for us.
Interestingly, Chapter 6 clearly explained that the prohibition is to everyone not only to the Muslim, but to every human being. In this regard Allah says:
"........forbidden to be eaten by ONE who wishes to eat it,...." (Al-An'am, 6:145)
Every edible organ, system or tissue in pig is prohibited whether it is rich or poor of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc.
Why is pork the ONLY animal to be prohibited while the flesh of other animals is not?
PORK IS NOT THE ONLY ANIMAL WHICH IS PROHIBITED BUT THE FLESH OF ALL CARNIVOROUS ANIMALS, as well as that human being, is not allowed to be eaten. The meat of the CAT, DOG, RAT, MOUSE, TIGER, FOX, LION, EAGLE, FALCON, HAWK, etc. is prohibited, while the flesh of HERBIVOROUS ANIMALS is allowed to be eaten, i.e. SHEEP, COW, CAMEL, DEER, GAZELLE, GOAT, CHICKEN, DUCK, GOOSE, RABBIT, BIRD, etc.
There are a large number of experiments at molecular basis conducted on children to see the effect(s) upon their personality, character and behavior.
Among the meat-eaters, there are herbivorous animal eaters and both herbivorous and carnivorous eaters. The strange thing about the latter group is that they eat pork as the only animal from the group of carnivorous animals, but do not eat the meat of cats, rats, dogs, mice and the like. Fangary (1971) reported that many people who eat carnivorous animals tend to be vicious, lack of humane attitudes toward other people, are ready to kill others without reason, and
some are even known to eat the meat of other people.
Looking further into the behavior of the hog, one may find that it is a unique animal. The boar does not mind seeing his sow mating with another boar in front of him. This habit is unique in that other animals can not tolerate it. Thus, the sow has the permission to mate with as many as she wants and in front of her own boar without any shame of both. In a such a situation the sow acts as the worst prostitute while the boar acts with immoralities to allow his
female to mate with others even infront of his own eyes and without much concern.
Therefore, eating the flesh of pork may affect the personality character of the individual by increasing IMMORALITY, including homosexuality, lesbianism, adultery, incest and prostitution.
If any improvement has to take place in any society, it has to be started from the diet so that to be able to change the body chemistry including the central the central nervous system and the brain, and hence the moral standards of individuals. Moral teachings are to be followed by the society and the family.
Meanwhile, do look through our list of upcoming events. You never know if the answer to your curiosity can be answered through our events. May Allah s.w.t. give you the guidance in what ever that you are searching for!! Ameen!!