24 SAFAR 1443H / 1 October 2021
Do you know that all of us who used to exist and those who are still existing in this world, be it Muslim or Non-Muslim, have made a promise to Allah s.w.t. when we were 4 months old in our mother's womb? Do you know that all babies are actually Islam when they are in their mother's womb?
"And ˹remember˺ when your Lord brought forth from the loins of the children of Adam their descendants and had them testify regarding themselves. ˹Allah asked,˺ “Am I not your Lord?” They replied, “Yes, You are! We testify.” ˹He cautioned,˺ “Now you have no right to say on Judgment Day, ‘We were not aware of this.’"
[Surah Al-A'raf:172]
Yes. Our Ruh made a promise to Allah s.w.t. witnessed by Prophet Adam a.s. and the inhabitants of the sky. Our Ruh promise to be loyal and obedient towards Allah s.w.t. Those who chose not to be loyal and obedient, Allah s.w.t. did not give them the chance to be in this world.
Unfortunately, because the nature of all human being is forgetfulness, we forgot about that once made promise of ours once we were born into this world. That is why we are called "Insan" which came from a rootword which means forgetful.
Yes. All babies were Islam when they were in their mother's womb. But once they are in this world, its the parent's decision to shape and nurture them into who and how they want them to be. That is why there is a saying "Babies are like a piece of white cloth."
Nevertheless, what we are going through in this world were plan to remind us of the once made promise and brings us back to being loyal and obedient towards Allah s.w.t. Whether we are born Muslim or Non Muslim, rich or poor, knowledgeable or unknowledgeable, pious or unpious, all these circumstances happened to remind us of our made promise.
Thus, do not blame Allah s.w.t. when things do not go the way you plan. Because the unplan is actually drawing you closer to the real success, that is getting closer to Allah s.w.t.
With that, let's cleanse ourselves with some work of Waqaf, Infaq, Zakat and Sedeqah. May this help to purify our hearts and receive the light from Allah s.w.t. Ameen.
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