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“He who is being miserly (bukhl) is being miserly only to himself” (Surah Muhammad: 38)
Bakhil means miser or stingy. A bakhil is not really a greedy person but a person who doesn’t like to spend.
If you look in other cultures, universally miserliness is considered a very bad trait cross. Miserliness is not considered a good trait at any socio economic level or any background.
Some symptoms of Bakhil are when there is a feeling of pinch in one’s heart or tightness of the heart when a person is about to spend. Especially with regard to spending on the ones that are commanded by Allah s.w.t. such as giving Zakat and the ones encouraged in Islam such as spending on needy people or spending for religious causes like on religious institutions or the mosque and etc.
Bakhil has many different types. Being Bakhil can come in the form of:
1) In terms of wealth and money. Not willing to give away.
2) In terms of obedience to Allah s.w.t. Being stingy in terms of Solat, in terms of following Allah’s s.w.t. commands. Like a ‘minimal muslim’ who just wants to the bare minimum requirements of Islam.
3) People who have extreme, intense love for wealth, excessive attachment to wealth which also makes one Bakhil.
Everyone is supposed to have a normal healthy degree of love for wealth. A normal healthy degree of attachment to money is necessary, otherwise we wouldn’t care if our things are getting stolen and the money is getting wasted. You have to have a little attachment to wealth so that there isn’t too much extravagance and we aren’t neglectful of our belongings. Meaning wealth can also help us to lead a good life.
In Islam, there is moderation. Neither should there be intense love for world nor this intense hatred for wealth. Let's start practising moderation with regard to love for our wealth. May in lead us to attain Jannah. Ameen
For every cent means saving a precious life.