Pandangan Alam Mengikut Islam: Satu Pengamatan Ringkas Pemikiran Prof. Tan Sri Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
Published: Sat, 10/16/21
Pandangan Alam Mengikut Islam:
Satu Pengamatan Ringkas Pemikiran Prof. Tan Sri Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
@ Via Zoom
Sempena ulang tahunnya yang ke 90, webinar ini akan menyingkap serba sedikit dasar-dasar pemikir ulung Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. Beliau seorang yang tidak asing lagi dalam persada pemikiran dan keilmuan Islam.
Pengaruh pemikiran Prof. al-Attas. terhadap keilmuan dan pemahaman kita tentang Islam tidak syak lagi dan diakui dikalangan ulama-ulama dan ilmuan Islam sejagat. Menjangkaui pencerahannya tentang makna beberapa kata-kunci dalam pemikiran Islam, Prof Al-Attas juga menajukan satu kerangka yang menerima jolokkan “The Attasian Framework” di mana al-Islam terpancar sebagai satu pandangan alam yang menyeluruh, seimbang dan
kamil (sempurna).
Sayangnya, masih ramai yang tidak dapat menggarap permata-permata pemikiran beliau. Di harap webinar ini memberi peluang untuk mereka-mereka yang berminat memahami pemikiran dan gagasan seorang insan pemikir Muslim yang begitu berpengaruh sekali. Yang jelas, yang buah fikirannya berjaya mencerna kesinambungan meneruskan tradisi turath pengajian Islam hingga dapat menyahut cabaran- cabaran meruncing zaman ini.
[Hasil pendapatan webinar ini akan disalurkan kepada dana anak-anak yatim di Singapura]
Short biography of the speaker
Ustaz Dr. Abdul Halim Abdul Karim is the first ever to be conferred a PhD in Islamic Governance. It is the first doctorate program of its kind in the specific field of Islamic Governance offered at the Institute of Policy Studies, University Brunei Darussalam. His PhD dissertation is entitled The Knowledge-Based Economy in an Islamic System of Governance: The Khaldūnian Perspective. This dissertation is a
comprehensive study into the intricacies of governance of the nation-state and how, in employing Islamic Principles and the Maqāsid al-Sharī'ah (Principled Objectives of Islamic Law) a state could manage its Economy in light of the Knowledge-Based Economy and the Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0). This research is a multi-disciplinary study involving the disciplines of Governance, Western (Keynesian) and Islamic Philosophy of Economics, Epistemology, Civilisational Studies and Policy
Ustaz Dr Abdul Halim has a very multidisciplinary background that encapsulates the Hard Sciences, the Commerce as well as the Arts/Humanities and Social Sciences. His deep understanding of Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Worldview and contemporary issues including Knowledge Management is based on years of training in the area of Comparative Philosophy, Epistemology and Islamic Thought. He holds a B.A. (Hons – 2nd Upper) in Philosophy from
the National University of Singapore (NUS) majoring also in the English Language. His honours thesis entitled, Averroes: On Reason and Revelation is the first thesis on a Muslim philosopher done at NUS where he went on to obtain an M.A in Comparative Philosophy. His Master's thesis is a comparative analysis of Islamic and Chinese Theories of Knowledge, Ethics, Ontologies and Mysticism focusing on Ibn Arabi and Chuang Tzu. Entitled, Sufism and Taoism: The
Absolute and Its Attainment, it is the first dissertation done at NUS which compares Islamic thought with the Chinese religio-philosophical tradition. He also holds an LCCI (Accounting), a Diploma in Computer Science and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education. He is also a Certified Knowledge Manager. He has presented in numerous workshops and international conferences and written numerous articles and papers in English and Malay in various publications including the
local Malay daily. His writings cover wide-ranging subjects such as China-Taiwan relations, Education, Islamic Economics, Critical Thinking, Linguistics, Globalisation, Civilisational Dialogue, Ibn Khaldūn, Knowledge Management, Bio-Ethics and Learning Objects. He has also taught subjects such as Islamic Worldview, History of Islam, Islamic Civilisation, Philosophy of Islamic Economics, Islamic Thought, Islamic Psychology and Islamic Philosophy of Education at
several institutes of learning including a Madrasah established by the Singapore Islamic Scholars Association (PERGAS) where he was appointed by the then president of PERGAS, the late al-Fadhil Al-Ustaz Abu Bakar Hashim, as Tenaga pengajar.
Secara: Online (Zoom)
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Bermula: Hari Rabu, 3rd November 2021.
• Waktu: 8:00mlm to 10:00mlm
Fees :
$10 sahaja (Hasil pendapatan webinar ini akan disalurkan kepada dana anak-anak yatim di Singapura)
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