Tonight's LIVE Talk will be on Syukr (Gratefulness) @ 8.30pm. What are we to be grateful for? Why should we be grateful?
Let's hear it from our next speaker in ILM Live with Ustaz Muhammad Faizal Bin Mohamed Ayub
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Please refer to the upcoming Schedules.
Schedule of ILM Live
Date: Monday, 13th October 2014, 8.30pm
Title: Syukr
Speaker: Ustaz Muhammad Faisal Mohamed Ayub
Date: Monday, 20th September 2014, 8.30pm
Title: Majlis Persandingan: Antara Adat & Syariat (In Malay)
Speaker: Ustaz Syed Mustafa Alsagoff - Principal of Madrasah Alsagoff
Date: Monday, 27th September 2014, 8.30pm
Title: The Syahadah
Speaker: Ustaz Noor Deros
Date: Monday, 3rd November 2014, 8.30pm (To be advised)
Title: A Spiritual Discourse: A Valueable Asset
Speaker: Ustaz Ferozudeen
Date: Monday, 10th November 2014, 8.30pm
Title: Bangkit (In Malay)
Speaker: Ustaz Herman Sudil