Lend your support to AMP's Ready for School Fund Telepoll Campaign

Published: Wed, 07/15/15

Ready for School Fund by AMP

The following information is a community appeal by AMP

Knowledge, the Driver for Success

Education can change a person’s future.
With education, the student from a single parents household can build a better future for his or her family household; the undergraduate from a less privileged household is able to pursue his or her own passion; the child from the low income can be given access to a world of possibilities

Your support for their educational needs can change their future.


During this benevolent month of Ramadan, AMP is collaborating with Mediacorp Radio RIA, 89.7FM to feature the fund beneficiaries who will share their stories of adversity and how the Fund had assisted in their pursuit of higher education.

Tune in to the following time belts for our special segments.

16 July 2015: 8am - 9am with DJ Adi Rahman

16 July 2015: 12pm -1pm with DJ Fiza O

Join us in our efforts to build a brighter future for our children.

Call now

1900 112 4001 (for a $10 donation)

1900 112 4005 (for $50 donation)

Help spread the word to aid our cause. Your generosity will be most appreciated.


These efforts are by AMP

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