Qurban in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam & Australia
Published: Tue, 09/08/15
Qurban 2015 / 1436H - Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam & Australia |
Assalammualaikum wr wb, Just to remind, the closing dates for Qurban is as follows. Indonesia - 21st September 2015. Cambodia, Vietnam & Australia - 18th September 2015. |
If you are not able to view the packages, follow these links. Indonesia packages. Qurban Goat - $210 Package includes wakf Al-Quran and Sejadah to Orphans and Students in Madrasahs. Participants will receive certificate, DVD and photos.
Cambodia Package Qurban Goat - $300 Aqiqah not performed here. Participants will receive certificate and photos.
Vietnam Package Aqiqah not performed here. Participants will receive certificate and photos.
Sheep - $330 Can request for Aqiqah. Meat will be flown back to Singapore to be delivered to your homes. Participants will not receive certificate nor photos. E-receipt will be issued.
Aqiqah or Qurban?Know that both Qurban and Aqiqah are Sunnah Muaqaddah – meaning it is highly encouraged to practise as Rasulullah SAW practiced it but not compulsory. It was done for his grandsons as narrated by many hadiths for Aqiqah and for Qurban the story of Prophet Ibrahim a.s and Prophet Ismail a.s. According to the Shafii’ school of jurispudence for those who can afford it and it is makruh (objectionable) not to perform it. According to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence, it is made compulsory for one that can afford it for Qurban. Here in Singapore, we take reference from Imam Shafii’ school of thought. So what is the requirement for both practices? Aqiqah Qurban To make it simple, one needs to be able to afford this to perform the Ibadah. Second, take note of the time restrictions. Qurban can only be done in the 4 days as mentioned above. Now back to the question – Ibadah Qurban or Aqiqah first? Check with your parents or your elders (if your parents are no longer around), if they have done Aqiqah for you first. And the answer is… As Aqiqah is only done once in a lifetime, perform Aqiqah first if you have not done so and perform Qurban after. If you can afford it, do both in the same year. And you can perform Qurban year after year. We hope this article clarifies this popular question. If you wish to perform Aqiqah and Qurban this year, feel free to call our hotline 6871 8744 (Extension 3) / 9828 0447 / 9452 0491 Visit www.aqiqah.sg (for all year round Aqiqah services) or Visit www.qurban.sg (for Qurban and Aqiqah during the Hajj period) Jazakallah Team Islamicevents.sg
This service is provided by Islamicevents.sg and in collaboration with various organisations. | ||||