Wakf Madrasah Raudhatul Ulum Addiniyah, Cambodia
Ustaz Ghazali Bin Ahmad has been teaching Fardu Ain at a local Surau within his village in Cambodia since 2014. The numbers is growing fast from just 20 students to more than 80 students now inclusive of boys and girls. He himself used to be learning basic Islamic knowledge from his father who was a local Imam in his village and then to Terengganu in Malaysia.
Thus Ustaz Ghazali is planning with the help of big hearted donors to build a single storey madrasah with 2 classrooms to accommodate his students.
He teaches Fardhu Ain subjects like:
1) Tauhid
2) Fiqh
3) Tasawuf
4) Reading
5) Writing
6) Maths and others
Address of the planned location to build the madrasah is located at Village 7, Prek Tanung Commune, Koh Sotin District, Kompong Cham, Cambodia.
At this village, there are more than 240 families staying there with most of the villagers being farmers with monthly salary between $10-$15USD. Children in this village attend local schools but most of which do not attend school due to poverty and financial difficulties. Thus it is through this Madrasah and the guidance of Ustaz Ghazali Ahmad, they learn basic reading and writing together with Fardhu Ain studies. With the completion of this Madrasah, Ustaz Ghazali will be able to allow more
students to learn and benefit from the knowledge that himself and his colleague that will be teaching to them.
Currently Madrasah Raudhatul Ulum Addiniyah already owns the land for the building to be built on and they have over 40 students currently studying under a Surau. The need for a proper Madrasah building and facilities is required in order to cater to the growing number students in this village in Cambodia.
This wakf will go towards the building of the Madrasah. A building which will cater for 2 classroom and the equipments like White Board/Blackboard, tables, chairs and more. See diagrams on the image.
Amount to raise: $45,00.
Estimated completion time: 4 months
150 lots are open: $300 each.
Start of project - Only happens when funds are sufficient.
Certificates will be issued to wakifs 3 months after completion of this project.
Wakifs Name will be featured on a plaque and placed in the madrasah
Wish to wakf for this project ?