IslamicEvents SG - Islamic Events, Classes, Courses, Musollahs

Preparing Men as Khalifahs

Published: Wed, 08/26/20

Preparing Men as Khalifahs Fardhu Ain for Men ( 10 sessions ) At some point in a boy's life, he is required to be a leader as he will be a husband, a…

Tahsin Al-Quran for Kids

Published: Wed, 08/19/20

Tahsin Al-Quran for Kids is Back By Popular Demand !!! Give your child a headstart to read the Noble Al Quran fluently Tahsin Al-Quran Module 1 with…

Preparing Men as Khalifahs

Published: Wed, 08/19/20

Preparing Men as Khalifahs Fardhu Ain for Men ( 10 sessions ) At some point in a boy's life, he is required to be a leader as he will be a husband, a…

Blessed Parenting

Published: Sun, 08/16/20

Blessed Parenting Our children are our biggest investment; both in dunya as well as akhirah. Being the first school the children will graduate from,…

Preparing Men as Khalifahs

Published: Wed, 08/12/20

Preparing Men as Khalifahs Fardhu Ain for Men ( 10 sessions ) At some point in a boy's life, he is required to be a leader as he will be a husband, a…

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