IslamicEvents SG - Islamic Events, Classes, Courses, Musollahs

Islamic Inheritance Course

Published: Thu, 08/15/24

Updated: Sun, 08/18/24

Event Highlight Death is certain and will eventually come to us whether it's today, tomorrow or in the future. How prepared are we if Allah swt wants…

10 Seats Left!

Published: Tue, 08/13/24

Updated: Sun, 08/18/24

Islamic Funeral & Death Rites Course IF SOMEONE CLOSE IN OUR FAMILY PASSES ON, DO WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO? As mentioned in Quran, “Every soul shall…

[ Masjid Al Amin ] All About Solat

Published: Sun, 08/04/24

Updated: Sun, 08/04/24

Synopsis1. Introduction to Solat: E planation of its importance in Islam and its role as one of the five pillars 2. Components of Solat: Detailed…

[INFAQ.SG] 2 August 2024: Barakah of Working

Published: Thu, 08/01/24

Updated: Thu, 08/01/24

27 Muharram 1446H / 2 August 2024Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue showing your support to our Infaq Campaigns! For every cent…

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